stringify-object(latest: 5.0.0) Stringify an object/array like JSON.stringify just without all the double-quotes
insight(latest: 0.11.1) Understand how your tool is being used by anonymously reporting usage metrics to Google Analytics or Yandex.Metrica
yeoman-environment(latest: 4.4.1) Handles the lifecyle and bootstrapping of generators in a specific environment
@yeoman/conflicter(latest: 2.0.0) Conflict resolution for yeoman's generator/environment stack
yeoman-assert(latest: 3.1.1) Assert utility from yeoman
yeoman-welcome(latest: 1.0.1) Yeoman welcome message used in generators
html-wiring(latest: 2.0.0) Set of utilities to update HTML files
@yeoman/api(latest: 0.0.2) Common API for yeoman's generator/environment stack
yeoman-generator(latest: 7.3.2) Rails-inspired generator system that provides scaffolding for your apps
eslint-config-google(latest: 0.14.0) ESLint shareable config for the Google style
workbox-webpack-plugin(latest: 7.1.0) A plugin for your Webpack build process, helping you generate a manifest of local files that workbox-sw should precache.
workbox-broadcast-update(latest: 7.1.0) A service worker helper library that uses the Broadcast Channel API to announce when a cached response has updated
workbox-expiration(latest: 7.1.0) A service worker helper library that expires cached responses based on age or maximum number of entries.
workbox-navigation-preload(latest: 7.1.0) This library allows developers to opt-in to using Navigation Preload in their service worker.
workbox-streams(latest: 7.1.0) A library that makes it easier to work with Streams in the browser.
workbox-window(latest: 7.1.0) Simplifies communications with Workbox packages running in the service worker
workbox-build(latest: 7.1.1) A module that integrates into your build process, helping you generate a manifest of local files that workbox-sw should precache.
workbox-range-requests(latest: 7.1.0) This library creates a new Response, given a source Response and a Range header value.
workbox-google-analytics(latest: 7.1.0) Queues failed requests and uses the Background Sync API to replay them when the network is available
workbox-cacheable-response(latest: 7.1.0) This library takes a Response object and determines whether it's cacheable based on a specific configuration.
workbox-sw(latest: 7.1.0) This module makes it easy to get started with the Workbox service worker libraries.
workbox-background-sync(latest: 7.1.0) Queues failed requests and uses the Background Sync API to replay them when the network is available
workbox-precaching(latest: 7.1.0) This module efficiently precaches assets.
workbox-cache-expiration(latest: 3.6.3) A service worker helper library that expires cached responses based on age or maximum number of entries.
workbox-broadcast-cache-update(latest: 3.6.3) A service worker helper library that uses the Broadcast Channel API to announce when a cached response has updated
workbox-recipes(latest: 7.1.0) A service worker helper library to manage common request and caching patterns
sw-precache(latest: 5.2.1) Generates a service worker to cache your local App Shell resources.
sw-toolbox(latest: 3.6.0) Service Worker Toolbox provides some simple helpers for use in creating your own service workers.
gulp-exclude-gitignore(latest: 1.2.0) Gulp plugin to exclude file contained in .gitignore from the stream
configstore(latest: 7.0.0) Easily load and save config without having to think about where and how
@yeoman/namespace(latest: 1.0.1) Namespace parsing for yeoman's generator/environment stack