vary(latest: 1.1.2) Manipulate the HTTP Vary header
tsconfig(latest: 7.0.0) Resole and parse `tsconfig.json`, replicating to TypeScript's behaviour
sentence-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a lower case with spaces between words, then capitalize the string
upper-case(latest: 3.0.0) Transforms the string to upper case
no-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform any case string into a lower case string with a space between each word
pascal-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a string of capitalized words without separators
uniqueid(latest: 1.0.0) Generate sequential IDs, with optional prefix or suffix
lower-case(latest: 3.0.0) Transforms the string to lower case
param-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a lower cased string with dashes between words
ts-node(latest: 10.9.2) TypeScript execution environment and REPL for node.js, with source map support
pluralize(latest: 8.0.0) Pluralize and singularize any word
change-case(latest: 5.4.4) Transform a string between `camelCase`, `PascalCase`, `Capital Case`, `snake_case`, `kebab-case`, `CONSTANT_CASE` and others
constant-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into upper case string with an underscore between words
dot-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a lower case string with a period between words
path-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a lower case string with slashes between words
snake-case(latest: 4.0.0) Transform into a lower case string with underscores between words
swap-case(latest: 3.0.3) Transform a string by swapping every character from upper to lower case, or lower to upper case
title-case(latest: 4.3.1) Transform a string into title case following English rules
is-lower-case(latest: 3.0.0) Returns `true` if the string is lower case only
is-upper-case(latest: 3.0.0) Returns `true` if the string is upper case only.
upper-case-first(latest: 3.0.0) Transforms the string with the first character in upper cased
lower-case-first(latest: 3.0.0) Transforms the string with only the first character in lower case
header-case(latest: 3.0.0) Transform into a dash separated string of capitalized words
capital-case(latest: 2.0.0) Transform into a space separated string with each word capitalized
content-disposition(latest: 0.5.4) Create and parse Content-Disposition header