buster-resources(latest: 0.3.2) Virtual file systems for exposing files and other resources on e.g. web servers
ramp(latest: 2.0.2) A ramp that makes browsers crash and burn, and hopefully run some tests (or less specifically, load some files and emit some events).
ansi-grid(latest: 1.0.0) Print grids and matrices in the terminal using ANSI escape sequences
ansi-colorizer(latest: 1.0.1) Colorize/brighten text for terminals with ANSI escape sequences
stack-filter(latest: 1.0.1) Cleaner and more readable stack traces for all
buster-module-loader(latest: 0.3.0) Simple module loader for node. Allows loading objects from inside modules through a simple string.
buster-stdio-logger(latest: 0.2.2) Wrapper on top of buster-evented-logger that does pretty outout to stdout and stderr.