npm-profile(latest: 10.0.0) Library for updating an profile
libnpmpublish(latest: 9.0.9) Programmatic API for the bits behind npm publish and unpublish
libnpmorg(latest: 6.0.6) Programmatic api for `npm org` commands
libnpmteam(latest: 6.0.5) npm Team management APIs
libnpmversion(latest: 6.0.3) library to do the things that 'npm version' does
@npmcli/config(latest: 8.3.4) Configuration management for the npm cli
hosted-git-info(latest: 8.0.0) Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab
npm(latest: 10.8.3) a package manager for JavaScript
npm-audit-report(latest: 6.0.0) Given a response from the npm security api, render it into a variety of security reports
npm-package-arg(latest: 12.0.0) Parse the things that can be arguments to `npm install`
ssri(latest: 12.0.0) Standard Subresource Integrity library -- parses, serializes, generates, and verifies integrity metadata according to the SRI spec.
init-package-json(latest: 7.0.0) A node module to get your node module started