gcp-metadata(latest: 6.1.0) Get the metadata from a Google Cloud Platform environment
@opencensus/web-types(latest: 0.0.7) OpenCensus Web types is a slightly-patched copy of the `types.ts` files from `@opencensus/core` so that they can be easily imported in web-specific packages.
teeny-request(latest: 9.0.0) Like request, but smaller.
gtoken(latest: 7.1.0) Node.js Google Authentication Service Account Tokens
google-p12-pem(latest: 5.0.0) Convert Google .p12 keys to .pem keys.
unicode-match-property-ecmascript(latest: 2.0.0) Match a Unicode property or property alias to its canonical property name per the algorithm used for RegExp Unicode property escapes in ECMAScript.
unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript(latest: 2.1.0) Unicode property alias mappings in JavaScript format for property names that are supported in ECMAScript RegExp property escapes.
chromium-bidi(latest: 0.8.0) An implementation of the WebDriver BiDi protocol for Chromium implemented as a JavaScript layer translating between BiDi and CDP, running inside a Chrome tab.
regexpu-core(latest: 6.1.1) regexpu’s core functionality (i.e. `rewritePattern(pattern, flag)`), capable of translating ES6 Unicode regular expressions to ES5.
unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript(latest: 2.2.0) Match a Unicode property or property alias to its canonical property name per the algorithm used for RegExp Unicode property escapes in ECMAScript.