@theme-ui/components(latest: 0.16.2) Primitive layout, typographic, and other components for use with Theme UI.
@theme-ui/core(latest: 0.16.2) [![Minified Size on Bundlephobia](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/@theme-ui/core)](https://bundlephobia.com/package/@theme-ui/core)
@theme-ui/mdx(latest: 0.16.2) [MDX](https://mdxjs.com) utilities for [Theme UI](https://theme-ui.com)
@theme-ui/theme-provider(latest: 0.16.2) **Note:** This package is a hack to fix export order produced by microbundle. Use the main `theme-ui` package or `@theme-ui/core` instead.
@theme-ui/global(latest: 0.16.2) Wrapper around the Emotion `Global` component, made Theme UI theme-aware.
@theme-ui/parse-props(latest: 0.14.7) Internal package — You don't want to consume this directly.
humanize-list(latest: 1.0.1) Comma delimit an array for human readability, the Oxford comma is optional.
is-blank(latest: 2.1.0) Check whether a value is empty or blank, includes string whitespace support
is-newline(latest: 1.0.0) Determine whether a given string is a newline character.
@mdx-js/runtime(latest: 1.6.22) Parse and render MDX in a runtime environment
single-trailing-newline(latest: 1.0.0) Ensure a string has a single trailing newline based off it's dominant newline character.
gatsby-recipes(latest: 1.4.0) Core functionality for Gatsby Recipes
@mdx-js/tag(latest: 0.20.3) A fully-featured Markdown/MDX React component for ambitious projects
strip-markdown(latest: 6.0.0) remark plugin to remove markdown formatting
@theme-ui/preset-base(latest: 0.16.2) Theme UI includes `@theme-ui/preset-base` which can be used as an example or starting point for extending your own themes.
rehype-mathjax(latest: 6.0.0) rehype plugin to transform inline and block math with MathJax
remark-yaml-config(latest: 7.0.0) remark plugin to configure it with YAML frontmatter
remark-images(latest: 4.1.0) remark plugin to add a simpler image syntax
remark-rehype(latest: 11.1.1) remark plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype
remark-breaks(latest: 4.0.0) remark plugin to add break support, without needing spaces
remark-footnotes(latest: 5.0.0) Deprecated: this package is no longer maintained. Please use [`remark-gfm`][gfm] instead. That package match how footnotes work on github.com, which is more likely to match the expectations of authors.