standard-engine(latest: 15.1.0) Wrap your standards in a tortilla and cover it in special sauce.
eslint-config-standard-jsx(latest: 11.0.0) JavaScript Standard Style JSX support - ESLint Shareable Config
md5-file(latest: 5.0.0) Get the MD5-sum of a given file, with low memory usage, even on huge files.
append-field(latest: 2.0.0) A [W3C HTML JSON forms spec]( compliant field appender (for lack of a better name). Useful for people implementing `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and `multipart/form-data` parsers.
load-yaml-file(latest: 1.0.0) Read and parse a YAML file.
canvas(latest: 2.11.2) Canvas graphics API backed by Cairo
npm-check(latest: 6.0.1) Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
multer(latest: 1.4.5-lts.1) Middleware for handling `multipart/form-data`.
fs-temp(latest: 2.0.1) `fs-temp` is a quick and simple way to create temporary files and directories.
stream-file-type(latest: 0.6.1) Get the [file type]( by inspecting a stream.
has-own-property(latest: 2.0.0) Check if an object has a local property.
random-path(latest: 1.0.0) Generate a random path name.
react-native-get-random-values(latest: 1.11.0) A small implementation of `crypto.getRandomValues` for React Native. This is useful to polyfill for libraries like [uuid]( that depend on it.
fast-base64-decode(latest: 2.0.0) A fast Base64 decoder with a low level API. If you want a high level API, look at [base64-js](
cachedir(latest: 2.4.0) Provides a directory where the OS wants you to store cached files.
to-data-view(latest: 2.0.0) Create a `DataView` over an `ArrayBuffer`/8-bit typed array (commonly used in the browsers) or a `Buffer` (commonly used in Node.js).