waterline(latest: 0.15.2) An ORM for Node.js and the Sails framework
sails-util(latest: 0.11.0) Shared utilities between sails, waterline, etc.
enpeem(latest: 2.2.0) Lightweight wrapper for accessing npm programmatically (alternative to adding `npm` as a dependency)
skipper(latest: 0.9.4) Bodyparser for Express/Sails. Exposes simple API for streaming multiple files to disk, S3, etc. without buffering to a .tmp directory.
anchor(latest: 1.4.1) High-level validation library for Node.js (used in Waterline)
sails-hook-orm(latest: 4.0.3) The ORM hook from Sails core.
waterline-criteria(latest: 2.0.0) Utility library for working with Waterline criterias. Especially useful when building Sails adapters for key/value databases.
waterline-errors(latest: 0.10.1) Standard adapter errors from Waterline
waterline-schema(latest: 1.0.0) The core schema builder used in the Waterline ORM.
waterline-utils(latest: 1.4.5) Various utilities for working with Waterline queries and adapters.
sails-generate-backend(latest: 0.12.8) Default generator for backend code files in new Sails projects. Creates the default contents of the `api/` and `config/` folders when you run `sails new` on the command line.