@choojs/findup(latest: 0.2.1) Find a file by walking up the directory tree
glsl-deparser(latest: 1.0.0) through stream that translates glsl-parser AST nodes into working glsl code
glslify-stream(latest: 1.1.1) create a readable stream of glsl ast nodes that produce a module system
glsl-token-depth(latest: 1.1.2) Determine the scope depth of an array of GLSL tokens
glsl-token-descope(latest: 1.0.2) "Descope" an array of GLSL tokens such that they can be safely inlined alongside within another shader without causing any global variable conflicts.
glsl-token-scope(latest: 1.1.2) Infer the scope of each token in an array of GLSL tokens
glsl-token-string(latest: 1.0.1) Converts an array of GLSL tokens to a plain source string
glsl-token-defines(latest: 1.0.0) Retrieve the values defined with preprocessor statements in a selection of GLSL tokens
glsl-parser(latest: 2.0.1) transform streamed glsl tokens into an ast
glsl-token-assignments(latest: 2.0.2) Take an array of GLSL tokens and determine which tokens are either assignments or variable declarations.
glsl-token-properties(latest: 1.0.1) Takes an array of GLSL tokens and determines whether or not they're a property of another identifier
fsm-event(latest: 2.1.0) Stateful finite state machine wrapper around fsm
wayfarer(latest: 7.0.1) Composable trie based router
pathname-match(latest: 1.2.0) Strip a url to only match the `pathname`.
http-ndjson(latest: 3.1.0) Log http requests as ndjson
is-incoming-message(latest: 1.0.0) Check if value is an incoming message (`req`)
is-server-response(latest: 1.0.0) Check if value is a server response (`res`)
glslify(latest: 7.1.1) A node.js-style module system for GLSL!
glsl-min-stream(latest: 1.0.0) through stream that transforms glsl-parser AST nodes and rewrites variables into shorter forms
glsl-extract(latest: 1.0.0) extract uniforms and attributes from glsl programs
gl-shader-core(latest: 2.2.0) Core implementation of gl-shader without parser dependencies
gl-geometry(latest: 3.1.1) A flexible wrapper for gl-vao and gl-buffer that you can use to set up renderable WebGL geometries from a variety of different formats.