$ npm install @azure/core-tracing
This is the core tracing library that provides low-level interfaces and helper methods for tracing in Azure SDK JavaScript libraries which work in the browser and Node.js.
Install this library using npm as follows
npm install @azure/core-tracing
The @azure/core-tracing
package supports enabling tracing for Azure SDK packages, using an OpenTelemetry Tracer
. If you are using OpenCensus instead, we provide an OpenCensusTracerWrapper
that allows you to convert an OpenCensus Tracer
into an OpenTelemetry Tracer
By default, all libraries log with a NoOpTracer
that takes no action.
To change this, you have to use setTracer
to set a new default Tracer
const opentelemetry = require("@opentelemetry/core");
const { BasicTracer, SimpleSpanProcessor } = require("@opentelemetry/tracing");
const { ZipkinExporter } = require("@opentelemetry/exporter-zipkin");
const { setTracer } = require("@azure/core-tracing");
const exporter = new ZipkinExporter({
serviceName: "azure-tracing-sample"
const tracer = new BasicTracer();
tracer.addSpanProcessor(new SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter));
const rootSpan = opentelemetry.getTracer().startSpan("root");
// Call some client library methods and pass rootSpan via tracingOptions.
const tracing = require("@opencensus/nodejs");
const { ZipkinTraceExporter } = require("@opencensus/exporter-zipkin");
const {
} = require("@azure/core-tracing");
const tracer = tracing.start({ samplingRate: 1 }).tracer;
new ZipkinTraceExporter({
serviceName: "azure-tracing-sample",
bufferTimeout: 2
setTracer(new OpenCensusTracerWrapper(tracer));
tracer.startRootSpan({ name: "root" }, async (rootSpanEx) => {
const rootSpan = new OpenCensusSpanWrapper(rootSpanEx);
// Call some client library methods and pass rootSpan via tracingOptions.
rootSpanEx.end(); // rootSpan.end() should work as well
// Given a BlobClient from @azure/storage-blob
const result = await blobClient.download(undefined, undefined, {
tracingOptions: {
spanOptions: { parent: rootSpan }
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