$ npm install storybook-chromatic
A CLI to connect your Storybook with Chromatic or Chroma.
yarn add storybook-chromatic
You can use this package normally, which means installing it and adding a script called chromatic
to your package.json
"chromatic": "chromatic",
But alternatively (and this is useful for testing) you can use npx:
Use a git branch:
npx -p chromaui/chromatic-cli#master chromatic --dev
Use a debug version on npm:
npx -p storybook-chromatic chromatic
Using npx has pros and cons:
There are examples here: /.github/workflows.
Do not run this based on a github pull_request event. If you do, the commit and branch will get reported wrong, use https://github.com/chromaui/action instead.
--app-code="<your app code>"
You can also use the environment variable: CHROMATIC_APP_CODE
--build-script-name [name], -b The npm script that builds your Storybook [build-storybook]
--storybook-build-dir, -d <dirname> Provide a directory with your built storybook; use if you've already built your storybook
Deprecated options (for tunneled builds):
--script-name [name], -s The npm script that starts your Storybook [storybook]
--exec <command>, -e Alternatively, a full command to run to start your storybook
--do-not-start, -S Don't attempt to start or build; use if your Storybook is already running
--storybook-port <port>, -p What port is your Storybook running on (auto detected from -s, if set)
--storybook-url <url>, -u Storybook is already running at (external) url (implies -S)'
--storybook-https Use if Storybook is running on https (auto detected from -s, if set)
--storybook-cert <path> Use if Storybook is running on https (auto detected from -s, if set)
--storybook-key <path> Use if Storybook is running on https (auto detected from -s, if set)
--storybook-ca <ca> Use if Storybook is running on https (auto detected from -s, if set)
These options are not required, this CLI is 0-config if you have a build-storybook
script in your package.json
--allow-console-errors Continue running chromatic even if some stories throw an error
--auto-accept-changes [branch] Accept any (non-error) changes or new stories for this build [only for <branch> if specified]'
--exit-zero-on-changes [branch] Use a 0 exit code if changes are detected (i.e. don't stop the build) [only for <branch> if specified]
--exit-once-uploaded [branch] Exit with 0 once the built version has been sent to chromatic [only for <branch> if specified]
--ignore-last-build-on-branch [branch] Do not use the last build on this branch as a baseline if it is no longer in history (i.e. branch was rebased) [only for <branch> if specified]'
--preserve-missing Treat missing stories as unchanged (as opposed to deleted) when comparing to the baseline'
--no-interactive Do not prompt for package.json changes
--only <component:story> Only run a single story or a glob-style subset of stories (for debugging purposes
--skip Skip chromatic tests (mark as passing)
--list List available stories (for debugging purposes)
--ci This build is running on CI, non-interactively (alternatively, pass CI=true)
--debug Output more debugging information
This package will load any variables from a .env
file if present
If you encounter issues with the CLI please report them via the in-app chat (Intercom widget) or at https://github.com/chromaui/chromatic-cli/issues. Thanks!
Because of the nature of this package: it being a connector between Storybook and a web service, you may need an app code to test this locally. Just send us a message at opensource@hichroma.com or sign up for an account!
All contributions are welcome!
flagWe publish with a script:
You can pass any flags to this you'd normally be able to pass to npm publish
, such as --dry-run
or --tag="alpha"
Before publishing we check if the current user has permissions and if the version isn't already on npm
Compatibility is guaranteed between this package and Chromatic like so:
To facilitate upgrading in the future, removing and adding features, this is the process:
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